Kolby + Brigette | Ybor City

June 27, 2018

Brigette & I ran into each other one day at my office (Fancy Free Nursery) where I tend to meet everyone now a days haha. We chatted about plants and her recent engagement. Little did I know that she had been checking out my work on instagram! She later send me an inquiry and well now we are here!

Instagram is forever playing match maker. Kolby & Brigette were high school acquaintances but later lost touch as life takes it’s course. A decade later while Brigette was stationed in Texas, instagram suggested Kolby as a person she should connect with. So she did. A few minutes after following him. Kolby slid into those DMs haha. They hadn’t stopped talking since. She moved to Florida last year and while Kolby planned his trip to visit, Irma hit. It postpone his stay. Once he got back to Cali, he knew that he didn’t want to do the whole long distance thing so a few weeks later he packed up his life and moved to the East Coast. And well, now they are here haha.