Ben + Christine Millar

March 6, 2017

Sometime at the end of last year I got an email from a former art teacher from my high school. Just not my art teacher. Our school had two art teachers who taught separate forms. I was obviously in photography and clay and this art teacher taught drawing and painting. But since I was an art geek, eat in the art room during lunch every day haha, we all became friends. It was her first year teaching and I can remember the laughs we all had with my other teacher Mrs.Fergie. All this, of course unnecessary information because i blabber one like always.

She emailed me letting me know that she loved my work and she had been following it for some time now. She wanted to let me know that she was going to be reaching out soon to book a session. She didn’t know when but she knew that she wanted to book haha. A few weeks went by and she messaged me again and said that she didn’t need some big special moment to book me and that she had this moment where she knew she just had to do this. 

This is what she said in her email:
“but I just realized that every day is pretty special and I want you to capture it 🙂 “

I met Ben one time a few years back when I did a wedding with her, which was my first wedding ever!  It was about 5 or 6 years ago. Crazy but at the time I was not looking at wedding photography nor was it on my horizon. Both of them are such amazing people. Ben this super mellow dude and Christine this burst of light. They both seem to even one another out perfectly. Thank you guys again for having me out and doing this for you. I had a blast!