Diego + Claudia Wedding

September 28, 2016

I met Claudia back in grade school, we were just kids being kids. We grew up basically like family. So when she and her family abruptly moved to Chicago, I thought well that was crazy haha. Fast forward, we reconnected on facebook a few years later. She mentioned to me that she met this guy and that he so amazing to her. I couldn’t have been happier. I didn’t know him but if he able to wash her soul from the burdens that stained it, and put a smile on her face again, what more could a friend ask for? Fast forward again, I see on facebook that she got engaged and before I got a chance to message her she calls me and asked if I could do her wedding photographer. I didn’t get to officially meet Diego until the week of the wedding but this guy, his genuine care, compassion and love for her was undeniable. They worked so seamlessly. I have never cried so much at a wedding as I have at this one. I mean then again, there was decades of investment in our friendship and now a new one as well. The best of friends, pick up exactly where things are left off. Congrats to these two.